Beautiful mix of annual summer flowers in coordinated shades of pink. Versatile for use in the garden as a border or in pots. Combine with our bouquets in other colours to create stunning effects. The mix of different varieties means that there is always something in bloom throughout the season Most of the varieties are also suitable as cut flowers. The composition may vary slightly. Included are: Sweet alyssum 'Rosie O'Day' (Alyssum maritimum ) Pink dwarf snapdragon (Antirrhinum nanum grandiflorum) Pink marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalpa) Pink cornflower (Centaurea cyanus ) Pink Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum) Pink cosmea ‚Sensation‘ (Cosmos bipinnatus ) Pink clarkia (Clarkia amoena) Pink larkspur (Delphinium consolida ) Pink annual clary (Salvia horminum ) Purple California poppy (Eschscholzia californica )br/> Pink satin flower (Godetia grandiflora) Pale pink annual baby’s breath (Gypsophila elegans ) Pink dwarf morning glory (Convolvulus tricolor) Bunch pink (Silene armeria ) Pink garden candytuft ‚Kardinal‘ (Iberis umbellata ) Annual mallow 'Loveliness' (Lavatera trimestris ) Pink mallow wort (Malope trifida ) Pink love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) Pink cow herb (Saponaria vaccaria) Pink zinnia (Zinnia elegans ) Seed mix pink, enough for covering about 3 m²
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Informations sur le fabricant : Magic Garden Seeds GmbH | 7, rue Junkersstraße | Regensburg, Allemagne, 93055 | |
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